grind size

  1. How to Reduce the Amount of Caffeine in Coffee?

    How to Reduce the Amount of Caffeine in Coffee?

    “But first, coffee” – does this describe your mornings? For most people, coffee is an integral part of our morning routine. However, if a high dependency on caffeine is affecting your daily activities, it is a sign that it’s time to look for a solution.

    Whether it’s for health reasons or simply a desire for a gentler caffeine experience, here’s how to continue enjoying your daily brew while reducing any unwanted side effects.

    Change Your Brewing Method

    espresso being extracted from an espresso machine
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  2. 9 Factors that Affect Coffee Taste

    9 Factors that Affect Coffee Taste

    How would you describe a cup of coffee? Sweet, bitter, or perhaps…chocolatey? But why does coffee taste the way it does and what makes the difference between a decent cup of coffee and a perfect one?

    Read on to find out 9 of the most important factors that influence coffee taste and its quality.

    1. Growing Conditions

    a landscape view of lush mountain ranges
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  3. How Your Coffee Brewing Methods Affect Caffeine Extraction

    How Your Coffee Brewing Methods Affect Caffeine Extraction

    For most of us, coffee is fundamental to starting the day on a good note. Some prefer it with a strong caffeine kick, whereas others prefer a milder, decaffeinated version.

    We already know how various elements such as grind size and the coffee’s roasting date can affect the flavour and perceived “strength” of a coffee. In this article, we explore how different types of brewing methods affect caffeine extraction.

    The Science Behind It

    First things first, what is caffeine and how is it produced? Caffeine is a natural stimulant that is most commonly found in coffee beans, tea leaves, and cocoa plants. These plants produce caffeine as a natural pesticide – that is why coffee beans that are grown in higher altitudes have lower caffeine content.

    The roasting process doesn’t affect a bean’s caffeine content; however, its density decreases as it is being roasted. Beans that are roasted longer are less dense and lighter in mass. This means for the same weight of coffee grounds, more coffee grounds are used for dark roasts than light roasts. This is why dark roasts tend to taste richer and toastier.

    French Press – 80 to 100 milligrams

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  4. How to Make the Perfect Shot of Espresso

    How to Make the Perfect Shot of Espresso

    Espresso – a full-bodied, concentrated shot of coffee that forms the foundation of every caffeinated drink. It is so important to perfect that single shot.

    Brewing a barista-quality shot of espresso isn’t as complicated as you think. With the right knowledge and equipment, you can pull a flawless shot at home every time.

    The Bean

    coffee beans being roasted in a machine
    Only use
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  5. Why the New La Specialista Is a Coffee Connoisseur’s Machine

    Why the New La Specialista Is a Coffee Connoisseur’s Machine

    Designed and created in the home of the espresso, Italy, find out why the De’longhi La Specialista is a dream come true for coffee connoisseurs. Whether you are a novice home barista or an experienced one, this semi-automatic coffee machine is a perfect combination of technology and craft. From bean to cup, enjoy full control of your coffee-making experience while the inbuilt advanced barista technology controls each variable for a flawless brew. Unbox your brand new La Specialista with us: Shop now, from SGD1,199.

    Sensor Grinding Technology

    [caption id="attachment_6156" align="alignnone" width="2437"]adjusting the coffee ground fineness knob on a coffee machine Enjoy the flexibility of adjusting the coffee ground fineness and dosage according to your preference.[/caption] For that exquisite shot of espresso, it boils down to perfecting the grind size. La Specialista’s Integrated Sensor Grinder doesn’t only ground beans with absolute precision, but also a consistent and optimal dose each time. With 6 grind settings, you can customise the grinding level and adjust the amount of espresso to be brewed for your chosen coffee beverage. With the bean sensor, you will never run out of beans while grinding midway.

    Smart Built-in Tamping System

    [caption id="attachment_6159" align="alignnone" width="2496"]tamping coffee grounds in a portafilter The smart built-in tamping syste
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  6. 6 Tips for Choosing the Best Coffee Beans for Yourself

    6 Tips for Choosing the Best Coffee Beans for Yourself

    We’ve all been there at some point - staring at a selection of coffee beans, reading about its origin and flavour profiles, but still feeling disappointed upon taking the first sip of that brew. Who would have known that the process of choosing the right beans for ourselves is similar, if not, more mind-boggling than buying a dream car? There are a few key factors to take into consideration when you are next making that important choice of choosing the right beans. After all, it is that perfect cup that gets our day off to a right start.

    1. Knowing your beans

    There are two main coffee beans sold commercially in the market today, Robusta and Arabica. On one hand, Robusta has a full-bodied and bitter taste. On the other, Arabica gravitates toward being slightly acidic with a fruity and delicate taste. These beans have varying growing conditions and so it’s no surprise that coffee harvested in one country will taste differently from the other. The altitude, rainfall, climate, and soil conditions each play a prominent role in the flavours and aroma of your resulting brew. Here’s a more comprehensive guide on knowing your coffee beans.

    2. Selecting the coffee roast

    [caption id="attachment_6403" align="alignnone" width="2560"]4 jars filled with coffee beans More than just the colour of the coffee beans, roasting time affects the flavour profile of a brew. Photo from Erick Zajac[/caption] When one takes in a whiff of a raw, green coffee bean that is freshly harvested, its aroma resembles a green pepper rather than the familiar aroma of your favou
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  7. Non-Pump vs Pump Espresso Machines: Everything You Need to Know

    Non-Pump vs Pump Espresso Machines: Everything You Need to Know

    For some coffee drinkers, all espresso machines are the same: they make espresso. But for the more discerning coffee lover, this isn't the case, particularly those who brew their own coffee at home. In fact, there are a few types of espresso makers, each producing varying qualities of espresso. One of the biggest differences between espresso machines is whether or not it is pump-driven, as espresso is made by pushing hot water through ground coffee. There are three main types of espresso machine: lever-driven, steam-driven and pump-driven. For the purposes of this article, we’ll focus on steam-driven and pump-driven machines, as they are the most common types found on the market today.

    Firstly – what makes a good espresso?

    [caption id="attachment_6414" align="alignnone" width="2560"]espresso being extracted from a coffee machine Observe the frothy thickness of the crema. Photo from Blake Richard Verdoorn[/caption] How you make your espresso has a significant impact on the quality of your brew, especially the type of espresso machine you use. One of the ways to measure your espresso’s quality is through the crema produced – you should aim to get crema that is foamy and golden. But do note that some coffee beans contain less oil, which results in less crema. Taste-wise, a well-pulled espresso will have the perfect combination of bitterness, sweetness and acidity.
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  8. All About the Bean: From Grinding to Storage

    All About the Bean: From Grinding to Storage

    So, you’ve treated yourself to a fresh bag of coffee beans. How do you care for the coffee beans to make sure your morning java stays fresh for as long as possible? Better care of coffee beans makes better-tasting coffee ― and that’s something all of us would appreciate in the morning to boost our energy for the day ahead. For the best cup of coffee, it comes down to knowing the different sizes of grind, how you properly store your beans, and what you should do to maximise the freshness and flavour. Here are some tips and tricks to get the most out of your caffeine hit. Read on to find out the best way to keep your coffee fresh.

    Buy just the right amount

    [caption id="attachment_6436" align="alignnone" width="2560"]weighing a scoop of coffee beans The best way to ensure the freshness of your coffee is to buy less, but more frequently. Photo from Victor Munoz[/caption] The best way to enjoy your coffee is when it’s fresh. Your coffee beans begin to lose freshness almost immediately after roasting. The best way to ensure the freshness of your coffee is to buy less, enough for one or two weeks, but more frequently. The life span of your roasted coffee beans is approximately 4 to 5 weeks. Coffee beans older than that will not make you sick, but it will never taste as good as when it’s fresh. Here's more reasons why you should care about your coffee bean's roasting date. Our Kimbo Espresso Coffee Beans 100% Arab
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  9. Why Does My Coffee Taste Bitter and How Do I Fix It?

    Why Does My Coffee Taste Bitter and How Do I Fix It?

    To a coffee lover, the practice of starting the day with a strong brew is ingrained into our morning routine. Imagine the joy and anticipation of taking that first sip out of an aromatic cup…only for it to be ruined by a wave of lingering bitterness.

    Contrary to popular belief, bitterness isn’t caused by the strength of the coffee. To put it into perspective, a Kopi-Gao shouldn’t be tasting any more bitter than a standard Kopi. Neither is it true that darker coffee is more bitter.

    No one can afford to start their mornings on a bitter note (figuratively and literally), so go through this list to find out what’s causing the bitterness in your coffee and how to fix it the next time you prepare a cup for yourself.

    Grind Size

    a white scoop placed into a jar of coffee granules
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  10. What Makes a Perfect Cup of Coffee?

    What Makes a Perfect Cup of Coffee?

    How hard can it be to make a cup of coffee? Just pour hot water over coffee powder, right?

    Well sure, you can do that… but there’s so much more to making that cup of perfection. With the right coffee beans and simple equipment, your daily cuppa is instantly elevated. Trust us – it’s worth putting in that extra 5 or so minutes for a fresh brew.

    Here are the basics of coffee chemistry that will make you an expert in home brewing. This might just be the start of your home barista adventure.

    Use Fresh Coffee Beans

    two portafilters, each filled with coffee beans and coffee grounds
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