All About the Bean: From Grinding to Storage

So, you’ve treated yourself to a fresh bag of coffee beans. How do you care for the coffee beans to make sure your morning java stays fresh for as long as possible? Better care of coffee beans makes better-tasting coffee ― and that’s something all of us would appreciate in the morning to boost our energy for the day ahead. For the best cup of coffee, it comes down to knowing the different sizes of grind, how you properly store your beans, and what you should do to maximise the freshness and flavour. Here are some tips and tricks to get the most out of your caffeine hit. Read on to find out the best way to keep your coffee fresh.

Buy just the right amount

[caption id="attachment_6436" align="alignnone" width="2560"]weighing a scoop of coffee beans The best way to ensure the freshness of your coffee is to buy less, but more frequently. Photo from Victor Munoz[/caption] The best way to enjoy your coffee is when it’s fresh. Your coffee beans begin to lose freshness almost immediately after roasting. The best way to ensure the freshness of your coffee is to buy less, enough for one or two weeks, but more frequently. The life span of your roasted coffee beans is approximately 4 to 5 weeks. Coffee beans older than that will not make you sick, but it will never taste as good as when it’s fresh. Here's more reasons why you should care about your coffee bean's roasting date. Our Kimbo Espresso Coffee Beans 100% Arab
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