Monthly Archives: June 2020

  1. Why You Should Care About A Coffee Bean’s Roasting Date

    Why You Should Care About A Coffee Bean’s Roasting Date

    A new bag of coffee beans from the supermarket doesn’t guarantee freshness. One common mistake that most of us make is checking the expiry date and overlooking the roasting date; it’s the one detail that makes the difference between a perfect cup of coffee and one that falls flat. What’s so important about checking the roasting date? Do coffee beans freshly retrieved directly from the roaster have the best aroma and taste? We find out.

    What happens during the coffee roasting process?

    During the roasting process, carbon dioxide is one of the major gases that form within the bean. This is due to the heat that catalyses chemical reactions, breaking down the complex carbohydrates into smaller molecules which causes browning of the beans. As the roasting continues, carbon dioxide is slowly released during a crucial process known as degassing.

    What happens after coffee is roasted?

    [caption id="attachment_8428" align="alignnone" width="2560"]a cup of coffee on a white table A coffee bean that has been degassed to perfection will produce a flawless-looking crema layer. Photo from Thom Holmes.[/caption] Shortly after roasting stops, degassing is accelerated and the conversion of sugar happens. But the presence of carbon dioxide in the bean plays a prominent role in the bean’s quality, the coffee extraction, and crema formation. Every roaster’s challenge is to ensur
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  2. Ways to Froth Milk for Your Coffee at Home

    Ways to Froth Milk for Your Coffee at Home

    Foamed milk is a great addition to beverages like coffee, tea, and hot chocolate – and you can now enjoy it in the comfort of your home without heading to the nearest cafe.

    Whether you have an espresso machine or not, here are some ways you can froth milk for your morning brew at home.

    Which Milk to Use?

    As the proteins and fats present in milk are responsible for creating that creamy froth, whole milk is often the best choice.

    For a healthier alternative, skimmed or non-fat milk still does the job well although the froth loses some of its richness. But if you are a novice home barista, these types of milk are the easiest to practice with.

    Dairy-free alternatives such as soy and oat milk can be used. However, the lack of fat will result in a milder flavour and thinner froth.

    Lactose-intolerant? We evaluate five common, plant-based milk and how they measure up to regular cow’s milk.

    All things considered, all kinds of milk can be used for frothing as it’s a matter of taste and personal preference. Just ensure that you always use fresh, cold milk straight from the refrigerator as it is key in achieving a good froth.


    man's hand placed next to a cup of coffee
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  3. How to Make the Perfect Shot of Espresso

    How to Make the Perfect Shot of Espresso

    Espresso – a full-bodied, concentrated shot of coffee that forms the foundation of every caffeinated drink. It is so important to perfect that single shot.

    Brewing a barista-quality shot of espresso isn’t as complicated as you think. With the right knowledge and equipment, you can pull a flawless shot at home every time.

    The Bean

    coffee beans being roasted in a machine
    Only use
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  4. What is the Shelf Life for Coffee Beans and Grounds?

    What is the Shelf Life for Coffee Beans and Grounds?

    One of the most common questions asked about coffee is: does it expire? Well, technically no, coffee doesn’t have a fixed expiry date. However, that doesn’t mean that your 6-month old coffee bean will make the same tasting coffee from a freshly roasted bean. So how long do coffee beans and grounds last, and how do we store them properly to ensure maximum freshness? We explain below.

    Rule of Thumb

    Essentially, the finer the grind, the shorter the shelf life of your coffee ground. But that doesn’t mean that a whole coffee bean is safe from the elements. The moment coffee beans are roasted, they gradually lose their flavour due to oxidation, heat, light, and moisture in the air. The way you store your beans or ground also plays an important factor on the speed at which they lose their aroma and flavour profiles.

    Roasted Coffee Beans

    [caption id="attachment_8230" align="alignnone" width="1500"]a shelf filled with coffee bags Consider buying your next batch of coffee beans from specialty cafes or small-batch roasters for fresher beans. Photo from Leilani Angel.[/caption] When purchasing roasted beans, always check the roasting date as its average life span is approximately 4 to 5 weeks. We are familiar with store-bought beans having an expiry date of 12-24 months, which is why they tend to produce less satisfactory brews than our favourite cafes. Consider getting your beans from small-batch roasters that only roast a few kilos of beans each time to ensure none are left on the shelf by the end of the day. Another alternative is specialty cafes like
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