coffee tamper

  1. How does Pressure Affect the Intensity of Coffee?

    How does Pressure Affect the Intensity of Coffee?

    There are many factors that contribute to the quality of your coffee and pressure is a key aspect. Here’s what you should know about managing pressure to get your best brew.

    When it comes to coffee, the ‘rules’ are not set in stone. While it’s important to learn the basics, it’s always up to you to make your coffee the way you want it. But what is pressure when it comes to coffee preparation?

    In short, it’s a combination of the amount of force the water is pushed into your puck and the resistance produced by the coffee puck. The water pressure is what pulls the oils from the coffee grounds to create the desired taste profile. Together, these will determine how the coffee is extracted from the grounds and how it will eventually taste.

    It Starts with a Good Tamp

    a person holding a porta filter filled with coffee grounds
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  2. How to Make the Perfect Shot of Espresso

    How to Make the Perfect Shot of Espresso

    Espresso – a full-bodied, concentrated shot of coffee that forms the foundation of every caffeinated drink. It is so important to perfect that single shot.

    Brewing a barista-quality shot of espresso isn’t as complicated as you think. With the right knowledge and equipment, you can pull a flawless shot at home every time.

    The Bean

    coffee beans being roasted in a machine
    Only use
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