Monthly Archives: December 2019

  1. A Taste of Culture – Italian vs French Coffee

    A Taste of Culture – Italian vs French Coffee

    It’s caffè in Italian and café in French, but the difference between Italian and French coffee ⁠goes beyond that. Coffee is a big part of both cultures, and if you’re travelling to these regions to try their coffee, it’s best to equip yourself with some basic knowledge.

    Coffee in Italy and France

    a cup of black coffee served with almond biscotti on the side
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  2. Why Does My Coffee Taste Bitter and How Do I Fix It?

    Why Does My Coffee Taste Bitter and How Do I Fix It?

    To a coffee lover, the practice of starting the day with a strong brew is ingrained into our morning routine. Imagine the joy and anticipation of taking that first sip out of an aromatic cup…only for it to be ruined by a wave of lingering bitterness.

    Contrary to popular belief, bitterness isn’t caused by the strength of the coffee. To put it into perspective, a Kopi-Gao shouldn’t be tasting any more bitter than a standard Kopi. Neither is it true that darker coffee is more bitter.

    No one can afford to start their mornings on a bitter note (figuratively and literally), so go through this list to find out what’s causing the bitterness in your coffee and how to fix it the next time you prepare a cup for yourself.

    Grind Size

    a white scoop placed into a jar of coffee granules
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